Plant Guide

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Foliage colour


Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin'

Evergreen shrub with vibrant red young growth. Photinia x fraseri is a hybrid between Photinia glabra and Photinia serratifolia. The cultivar 'Red Robin' was developed in New Zealand, and is widely used as a colourful hedge. Glossy, elliptic to obovate leaves to 10 cm long, bright red when young, turning dark green on maturity. Panicles of small, creamy white flowers during spring.

Best foliage colour in full sun, but is also suitable for a partially shaded position. Grows in any fertile, neutral or acid, well-draining soil. Reasonably wind tolerant.  Not recommended for very exposed sites, coastal gardens or wet, waterlogged soils. Frost hardy once established, but needs protection from harsh frosts when young. A light prune during the growing season promotes the production of young leaves and thus prolongs the intense foliage colour display. Tolerates hard pruning. May be affected by fireblight, a bacterial disease that causes the leaves to wilt and turns the branches black as if the plant is scorched by fire. Remove affected plants to prevent spreading the disease to other susceptible plants.

Spectacular hedging plant with brilliant red young foliage. Can be grown as a small standard tree, filler or specimen shrub.


Pittosporum eugenioides 'Variegatum'

variegated tarata, variegated lemonwood

Bushy evergreen tree or shrub with variegated foliage. The leaves are 10-15 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, mid green, blotched along the wavy margins with creamy white. Foliage emits a lemon-like scent when crushed, hence the common name. Terminal clusters of honey-scented, 1-1.5 cm wide, pale yellow flowers during spring.

Pittosporum eugenioides is native to New Zealand where it occurs throughout the country along stream banks, forest margins and in forest clearings from sea level to about 600 m. The variegated form grows a bit slower than the species itself. It has a tapering habit when young, filling out to an open topped tree later on. 

Prefers a sunny or partially shaded position in any well-draining soil. Is more tolerant of damp and heavy soils than most other Pittosporum species, but growth will be compromised. Tolerates coastal conditions, moderately strong winds, and medium frosts.

Suitable for hedging or screening purposes. Good contrasting plant in mixed plantings. Also ideal as a specimen tree in particular when pruned to show off the pale grey bark.

Foliage is often used in floral arrangements.


Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Sheen'

Cultivar of the New Zealand native Pittosporum tenuifolium (kohuhu) with dainty foliage and black branches. Fast growing evergreen shrub or small tree. Tiny leaves with a silvery-grey sheen, round initially and gradually becoming oval in shape.

Prefers a position in full sun. Growth is a bit more open in partial shade. Grows well in any well-drained soil other than heavy clay. Reasonably drought tolerant. Avoid wet sites. Frost-hardy throughout New Zealand, and in general tolerates moderate frosts. Fertilise with general purpose fertiliser in spring and autumn. Responds well to trimming.

Attractive plant with delicate foliage and lovely colour contrasts of silver leaves and black branches. Great choice for hedging purposes. If you wish to grow Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Sheen' as a specimen, plant it where you can see the leaves shimmer in the sun. Cut branchlets are suitable for floral art.


Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Variegatum'

variegated kohuhu, variegated tawhiwhi

Evergreen shrub or small tree with variegated foliage, native to New Zealand. Leaves are flat (as opposed to wavy like the species itself), greyish green with white margins, similar to Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Argenteum Variegatum' but larger and more pointed, to about 5 cm long. Small (to 1 cm wide) dark reddish-black, honey-scented fowers with reflexed petals in spring. Dark grey bark.

Prefers a sunny or semi-shaded position in any, well-draining soil. Tolerates medium frosts and is frost hardy throughout New Zealand. Pittosporum tenuifolium is not as tolerant as Pittosporum crassifolium of coastal conditions and strong winds, but copes reasonably well with dry conditions. Tends to loose its leaves if conditions are too wet.

Ideal as a specimen tree for foliage colour, or as a hedge or screening plant.


Podocarpus totara 'Aurea'

golden totara

Golden-leafed cultivar of Podocarpus totara, a New Zealand native conifer. Pyramidal to columnar growth habit. The needle-like leaves are linear, sessile, 1-3 cm long, 2-4 mm wide. Leaf colour varies somewhat during the year from light green in spring, changing to yellow in summer, and deepening to golden yellow in winter.

Plant in full sun for best foliage colour. Prefers well-draining soil. Tolerates dry conditions once established. Responds well to trimming and is suitable for hedging purposes. Tends to have a bushy habit with foliage from ground level, but can be trained to grow as a specimen tree from an early age by selecting one shoot to become the central leader and gradually removing the side shoots. Make sure to stake the tree when planting in an exposed position. Suitable for coastal gardens.Tolerates moderate frosts, and is hardy throughout New Zealand.

Smaller and slower growing than the species itself, Podocarpus totara 'Aurea' can be accomodated in garden settings for many years. Forms a nice dense hedge.


Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula'

weeping silver pear or willow-leafed pear

Graceful small tree with a rounded canopy, silvery grey willow-like foliage and pendulous branches. Creamy white flowers, to 2 cm across, in spring, some of which are followed by small pear-like, inedible fruit in autumn. Brief period of yellow autumn foliage. 'Salix' is the Latin word for 'willow'.

Prefers a position in full sun or partial shade in well-drained soil. Adaptable to a range of soil conditions. Suitable for coastal planting. Prune in late autumn to keep the canopy compact. Remove branches below the canopy to make sure the rootstock is not going to overtake, and to keep a 'clean' stem.


Salvia officinalis 'Purpurascens'

purple sage

A form of the common sage with purple young foliage that mature to grey green. The oblong to ovate, paired leaves are 5-8 cm long and have a puckered surface. Mauve flowers arranged in spikes, appear in spring or early summer.

Synonym: Salvia officinalis 'Purpurea'

Prefers a sunny position in light, well-draining soil. Disikes wet feet. Drought tolerant once established. Trim after flowering to keep compact. Becomes woody eventually, but can easily be propagated from cuttings or by layering. Tolerates moderate frosts to about -10 degrees Celsius. Suitable for coastal gardens.

Purple sage looks stunning in combination with the silvery-grey curry plant (Helichrysum italicum) as in the photograph. It also combines beautifully with golden oregano or thyme. The leaves can be used fresh or dried in herb butters, herb teas, soups, stews, or stuffings. Purple sage also has many medicinal uses.


Sisyrinchium striatum 'Aunt May'

Clump-forming evergreen perennial with stiff,  linear to sword-shaped, grey-green leaves and creamy yellow leaf margins. Star-shaped, pale yellow flowers during early summer, clustered along erect, 0.7-0.9 m long stems. Sisyrinchium striatum is native to Chile and Argentina.

Synonym: Sisyrinchium striatum 'Variegatum'. This plant has been has been reclassified as Phaiophleps nigricans 'Aunt May', but is still much more widely known under the original name, and hence is listed here as Sisyrinchium striatum 'Aunt May'.

Plant in a sunny or partially shaded position in any well-draining soil. Hardy to about -150C (a bit less hardy than the species itself). Tolerates poor soils. Copes with dry spells once established, but really prefers a regular moisture supply. Does not tolerate boggy or waterlogged soils. Suitable for coastal gardens as longs as it is not constantly exposed to strong winds. Remove spent flower stems and discoloured leaves. Divide the plant every couple of years and replant the separate fans.

Striking plant for a structural accent or focal point, in particular when planted in groups. Combine with contrasting foliage plants, such as fine-leafed grasses like Carex species and shrubs with relatively large, rounded leaves such as Bergenia.

Stachys byzantina

Stachys byzantina

lambs' ears

Ground-covering plant with soft grey-green leaves. Stems and foliage are covered with silvery white down. Upright stems with tiny pale mauve flowers arranged in otherwise grey spikes.


Teucrium fruticans

shrubby germander, bush germander

Evergreen shrub with grey-green foliage, pale lilac-blue flowers, and a somwhat angular branching pattern. Native to Spain, Portugal, Italy and north Africa. Stems and undersides of leaves are covered with tiny white hairs giving the plant a silvery-grey overall appearance. Leaves are ovate to lance-shaped, 2-3 cm long. The pale lilac-blue flowers are two-lipped, and 2.5 cm long.

Prefers a sunny position in well-drained soil. Tolerates poor soils, dry conditions, and moderate frosts. Suitable for coastal plantings. Prune to keep compact or to create a specific shape.

Mainly grown for its attractive silvery colour. If you are particularly interested in a good display of flowers then the cultivar 'Azureum' with a much stronger colour contrast between flowers and foliage is a better choice. This cultivar combines well with other blue-flowering shrubs. The flowers of Teucrium fruticans itself fit in better with purple colour schemes.


Teucrium fruticans 'Azureum'

Evergreen shrub with grey-green foliage and blue flowers. Stems and undersides of leaves are covered with dense white hairs, giving the plant a silvery grey overall appearance. Leaves are ovate to lance-shaped, 2-3 cm long. Azure blue, two-lipped flowers, 2.5 cm long, mainly during summer. Teucrium fruticans (shrubby germander, bush germander) itself is native to Spain, Portugal, Italy and North Africa, and has pale lilac flowers.

Prefers a sunny position in well-drained soil. Tolerates poor soils, dry conditions and medium frosts. Suitable for coastal plantings. 

Mainly grown for its attractive silvery colour, which forms a beautiful contrast with the deep blue flowers. Can be pruned to any shape. A regular prune is a good idea since otherwise growth is somewhat lax, and its young foliage looks better than the older leaves.



Thymus pulegioides 'Bertram Anderson'

creeping thyme

Spreading, low mound-forming thyme with aromatic, light green to golden green leaves. Small clusters of lilac flowers in summer, but not as free-flowering as some of the other thymes.

Sometimes sold as Thymus x citriodorus 'Bertram Anderson' or Thymus x citriodorus 'Anderson's Gold'.

Prefers a sunny position in well-draining soil. Well suited to areas with dry, sandy soils. Water regularly until established. Tolerates occasional foot traffic. Frost hardy (zones 4-9). Suitable for coastal gardens.

Gives a lovely, mild thyme flavour in cooking. The foliage is attractive all year round, and appears lime green from a distance. Combines beautifully with purple sage or other purple-leafed plants.