Aloe arborescens
krantz aloe, candelabra aloe, octopus plant, torch plant
Succulent evergreen perennial plant from southern Africa. Bluish-green, toothed leaves with tapering and curved tips, arranged in rosettes at the end of branches. Very striking, bright orange to red, nectar-producing, tubular flowers in racemes on long stems during winter.
The specific epithet 'arborescens' means tree-like. The word krantz in the common name refers to 'rocky cliff' in Afrikaans.
Prefers a sunny position in well-draining soil. Suitable for coastal areas.
Type of plant
Herbaceous - PerennialSize
to 2-3 m tallLandscape Use
flower display during winter, interesting leaf shape and arrangement, coastal gardensSpecifications
- Temperature: Frost tender
- Light: Medium High
- Moisture: Low Medium
- Soil: Light Medium
- Wind tolerance: High
- Coastal tolerance: High