Brugmansia sanguinea
red or scarlet angel's trumpet, red Brugmansia, eagle tree, red floripondio
Evergreen shrub or sometimes a small tree, native to Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Large, ovate, felted leaves, often wavy or shallowly lobed,18-25 cm long, smaller on flowering stems. Solitary, pendulous trumpet-shaped flowers, 15-20 cm long, yellowish with scarlet-orange. Unlike the flowers of most other Brugmansia species, which are scented to attract moths for pollination, Brugmansia sanguinea flowers are not fragrant, and in their native habitat are pollinated by hummingbirds. All parts are poisonous. Naturalised in New Zealand.
Synonyms: Datura sanguinea, Datura rosei, Datura rubella, Brugmansia bicolor, Brugmansia lutea.
Prefers a sheltered position in partial or full shade. In cool climates, a sunny position is fine too. Hot temperatures inhibit flowering. Difficult to propagate from vertical cuttings, but can be propagated from horizontal stem sections or layering. Tolerates light to medium frosts. May be damaged by moderate frosts, but generally survives.
Specimen shrub with a tropical appearance and beautiful flowers for most of the year.
Type of plant
Shrub - EvergreenSize
2-4 m tallLandscape Use
flower display, tropical themeSpecifications
- Temperature: Half hardy
- Light: Low Medium
- Moisture: Medium
- Soil: Medium
- Wind tolerance: Low