Mackaya bella
forest bell bush, river bell
Evergreen spring-flowering shrub, endemic to Southern Africa where it grows as an understory plant in forests and along stream-banks. Glossy dark green leaves, 7-13 cm long, arranged in opposite pairs, with wavy and sparsely toothed margins. Pale lilac, tubular flowers, 3-5 cm long, marked with delicate, darker coloured lines, arranged in racemes.
Synonym: Asystasia bella.
Thrives in deep shade and any well-drained soil. Low drought tolerance. Flowering tends to be encouraged by a few hours of sunlight, but foliage may turn yellow when planted in full sun. Responds well to feeding. Water regularly during hot dry summers. Prune after flowering to maintain a compact shape. Tolerates light frosts (zones 9-11).
Attractive plant with lush foliage and lovely spring flowers. Perfect choice for shady areas, in particular as a filler or a backdrop for other shade-lovers.
Type of plant
Shrub - EvergreenSize
2-3 m tall, 1.5-2.5 m wideLandscape Use
filler, flower display, shade gardensSpecifications
- Temperature: Frost tender
- Light: Low Medium
- Moisture: Medium
- Soil: Light Medium Heavy
- Wind tolerance: Low