Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin'
Evergreen shrub with vibrant red young growth. Photinia x fraseri is a hybrid between Photinia glabra and Photinia serratifolia. The cultivar 'Red Robin' was developed in New Zealand, and is widely used as a colourful hedge. Glossy, elliptic to obovate leaves to 10 cm long, bright red when young, turning dark green on maturity. Panicles of small, creamy white flowers during spring.
Best foliage colour in full sun, but is also suitable for a partially shaded position. Grows in any fertile, neutral or acid, well-draining soil. Reasonably wind tolerant. Not recommended for very exposed sites, coastal gardens or wet, waterlogged soils. Frost hardy once established, but needs protection from harsh frosts when young. A light prune during the growing season promotes the production of young leaves and thus prolongs the intense foliage colour display. Tolerates hard pruning. May be affected by fireblight, a bacterial disease that causes the leaves to wilt and turns the branches black as if the plant is scorched by fire. Remove affected plants to prevent spreading the disease to other susceptible plants.
Spectacular hedging plant with brilliant red young foliage. Can be grown as a small standard tree, filler or specimen shrub.
Type of plant
Shrub - EvergreenSize
5 m without pruning, but usually maintained to 1.5-2.5 m tallLandscape Use
hedge, filler, topiarySpecifications
- Temperature: Hardy
- Light: Medium High
- Moisture: Medium
- Soil: Light Medium Heavy
- Wind tolerance: Average
- Coastal tolerance: Low