Psoralea pinnata
Dally pine, blue Psoralea, African scurf pea, blue pea, fountain bush, blue broom, taylorina, fonteinbos, penwortel
Evergreen shrub or small tree in the legume family, with bright green, soft, needle-like leaves. Flowering in early spring with blue and white or lilac and white, pea-like, bee-attracting, scented flowers (to 1.5 cm across) clustered at the ends of the branches. The flowers are followed by small, wrinkled seedpods that each contain a seed. Psoralea pinnata is native to South Africa where it occurs naturally along streams and wet places (i.e. winter-wet areas). It has established itself in other regions of the world such as Southern Australia and the north of New Zealand where it is regarded as a weed. Psoralea pinnata tolerates a wide range of growing conditions, including wind, drought, high rainfall, coastal conditions, and poor soils. Because it is a nitrogen-fixer, it changes the growing environment for the original native plant species that may no longer be able to compete as a result. Germination is stimulated by fire. The pant is relatively short-lived (about 10 years).
Psoralea pinnata prefers a sunny position, except in areas with very high summer temperatures where a partially shaded site is better. Tolerates waterlogged soils, but also copes with occasional drought once estabished. Prune after flowering. Self-seeds quite easily. Tolerates light to moderate frosts (zones 9-11).
Striking tree when in flower. You may need to give it some help in the form of pruning and training to develop a good shape as it does not appear to do so naturally and often has a somewhat straggly, unbalanced appearance.
Type of plant
Tree - EvergreenSize
to 3-4 m tall and 2 m wideLandscape Use
flower display, coastal gardensSpecifications
- Temperature: Half hardy
- Light: Medium High
- Moisture: Medium High
- Soil: Light Medium Heavy
- Wind tolerance: Average
- Coastal tolerance: High