A garden with symmetrical layout and formal structure
A combination of rectangular and circular patterns

The formal layout of this garden is achieved with symmetrical lawn-shapes, some repetition in the types of plants, and the use of clipped hedges. A touch of symmetry in the planting on either side of the central axis reinforces the formality without the landscape becoming too simplistic.
A deck (or paved patio) of 8 by 4 m against the house is partly surrounded by a low hedge (e.g. Buxus sempervirens (English box)).
Railway sleepers in the lawn (and level with the lawn surface) break up the large lawn next to the deck and lead the eye to a focal point planting in a circular area opposite the deck.
The distance from the house to the boundary at the back is 20 m and the garden is 20.3 m wide, but the plan can be used for sites of different dimensions.
The 'middle' lawn is partially separated from the rest of the backyard by a medium to tall hedge (e.g. Laurus nobilis, Griselinia littoralis, Corokia). The area behind this hedge could be made wider than in this plan to give a larger semi-circular lawn and smaller planting area.