Plant Guide


Camellia 'Fairy Blush'

Evergreen shrub with upright growth habit. Clusters of dark pink to red flower buds open to lightly fragrant white flowers, flushed with pink, fading to white, 5 cm across. Golden yellow anthers with creamy filaments. Flowers fall before browning. Very long flowering season from late autumn to early spring. Glossy dark green leaves, 3 cm long, 2 cm wide.

Originated in New Zealand as a chance seedling of hybrid origin with Camellia lutchuensis as one of the parents.

Prefers acidic soil conditions and a sheltered position in semi shade, but tolerates full sun. Responds well to pruning after flowering.

Type of plant

Shrub - Evergreen


1.5 - 2.5 m tall

Landscape Use

specimen for flower display, hedge, espalier, topiary


  • Temperature: Hardy
  • Light: Medium
  • Moisture: Medium
  • Soil: Medium
  • Wind tolerance: Low