Helleborus argutifolius
Corsican hellebore, holly-leaved hellebore, Corsican rose
Evergreen, clump-forming perennial native to Corsica and Sardinia. Large, leathery leaves with three toothed leaflets 10-20 cm long and 4-5 cm across. Unlike Helleborus orientalis, Helleborus argutifolius has no basal foliage; the leaves are carried on stout, upright stems. Clusters of bowl-shaped pale green flowers to 5 cm wide, during late winter and early spring. Closely related to Helleborus lividus with which it hybridises freely. Size varies with growing conditions and may also reflect genetic variation.
Synonyms: Helleborus corsicus, Helleborus lividus subsp. corsicus
Less frost-hardy than Helleborus orientalis, but tolerates medium frosts. Adaptable to most well-draining soils except heavy clay. Shade tolerant, but flowers best in a sunny position. Shady conditions promote the growth of long, weak stems. Self-seeds easily. Thinning of the seedlings is advisable so that they don't smother the original plant.
Type of plant
Herbaceous - PerennialSize
0.6 to 1 m tall and 0.8 to 1.2 m wideLandscape Use
flower display in borders during late winter and early spring, cut flowersSpecifications
- Temperature: Half hardy
- Light: Medium High
- Moisture: Medium
- Soil: Light Medium
- Wind tolerance: Low