Nandina domestica 'Richmond'
Evergreen shrub with finely divided leaves and showy brilliant red berries in winter. Stems are upright and cane-like, a bit like bamboo (but not suckering), hence the common names "heavenly bamboo", "Chinese bamboo" and "sacred bamboo" for the species. Foliaged is composed of many small lance-shaped to elliptical leaves to 2 cm long, some of which colour up to burgundy-red in the colder months of the year. Small creamy white, star-shaped flowers, 1 cm across, in panicles at the ends of stems mainly during summer.
Nandina domestica 'Richmond' is self-fertile, i.e. does not require another plant to produce berries. For Nandina domestica itself to form berries both male and female plants should be planted together.
Prefers a partially shaded or sunny position in any, fertile soil. Copes reasonably well with full shade. Quite drought-tolerant. If pruning is required, selectively prune some of the stems at a ttime instead of cutting the whole plant back.
Its growth habit and delicate foliage make this the perfect choice for gardens with an oriental theme. Can also be grown as a tub plant.
Type of plant
Shrub - EvergreenSize
1.5-2.5 m tallLandscape Use
fruit display, bamboo-like growth habit and ferny foliage, gardens with an oriental theme, container plantSpecifications
- Temperature: Hardy
- Light: Medium High
- Moisture: Low Medium
- Soil: Light Medium Heavy
- Wind tolerance: Average
- Coastal tolerance: Average