Phylica pubescens
featherhead, flannel flower
Evergreen shrub from South Africa with narrow grey-green leaves densely covered with soft hairs. Tiny flowers with a very mild cinnamon scent, surrounded by showy, hairy, golden creamy bracts appear at the ends of the branches in autumn through to late winter. Often sold as the smaller growing Phylica plumosa (.3-.6 m tall).
Happiest in full sun and well-draining soil. Copes well with dry conditions and is suitable for coastal gardens. Tolerates light to medium frosts (to about -6 degrees Celsius).
This would be the perfect plant for a 'tactile' garden; it feels so nice and soft. Lasts well on water as a cut flower or cut foliage, and can also dried. Once in flower, Phylica pubescens looks amazing since the whole plant is usually covered with its unusual flowers.
Type of plant
Shrub - EvergreenSize
1-1.5 m tallLandscape Use
flower display, coastal gardens, dry areas, cut flower, dried flowerSpecifications
- Temperature: Half hardy
- Light: High
- Moisture: Low Medium
- Soil: Light Medium
- Wind tolerance: Average High
- Coastal tolerance: High