Rosa 'Marie PaviƩ'
Fragrant polyantha rose with healthy, dark green foliage and 4-5 cm wide flowers. Pale pink in bud, opening to white, shaded with soft pink, and finally pure white when mature. Dark reddish flower stems. Flowers just about continuously throughout the season.
Bred in France (1888) by Alphonse Alégatière. Registered as Rosa 'Marie Pavié'.
Prefers a sunny position in well-draining soil with a generous amount of organic matter. Can tolerates quite a bit of shade. Fertilise in early spring and again in early summer. Prune during winter. With pruning this rose can be maintained as a compact shrub under .8 m tall. Dead-head during the flowering season. Good disease resistance, but is susceptible to aphids.
Very floriferous rose with a beautiful, strong fragrance. Really easy to grow and maintain. Looks great as a low, informal hedge, or in a border en masse or as a single specimen. Can also be grown in a container. Easy to handle since the plant is nearly thorn-less.
Type of plant
Shrub - DeciduousSize
to .8-1.5 m tallLandscape Use
low, informal hedge; border; container plantSpecifications
- Temperature: Hardy
- Light: Medium High
- Moisture: Medium
- Soil: Light Medium Heavy
- Wind tolerance: Average