Rosa 'Veilchenblau'
Vigorous, thorn-less (or nearly so), rambling rose with glossy, mid-green foliage. Once-flowering for about three to four weeks in spring with large clusters of relatively small purple-violet flowers with white stripes and blotches, a white center, and yellow stamens. The flower colour fades with age, in particular in hot, sunny conditions. The flowers are followed by small (0.5-1 cm long) brownish red hips.
Bred in Germany by Hermann Kiese, and introduced in 1909 by Johann Christoph Schmidt. Also known as Rosa 'Bleu-Violet', R. 'Blue Rambler', R. 'Blue Rosalie', and R. 'Violet Blue'.
Tolerates quite a bit of shade, heat, and poor soils. Prefers a position in well-draining soil where it is protected from the hot midday sun. Susceptible to mildew, so best grown in a position with sufficient air movement. Apply rose fertiliser in early spring. Prune in winter.
A rose for the larger garden! The colour is particularly attractive in a partially shaded position. I could not detect any scent, but according to some sources Rosa 'Veilchenblau' has an attractive fragrance.
Type of plant
Climber - DeciduousSize
3-6 m tall or moreLandscape Use
climber against walls, pillars, archwaysSpecifications
- Temperature: Hardy
- Light: Medium High
- Moisture: Medium
- Soil: Light Medium Heavy
- Wind tolerance: Average
- Coastal tolerance: Average