Plant Guide

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Deciduous climber


Mandevilla laxa

Chilean jasmine

South American, twining vine with clusters of very fragrant, funnel-shaped, pure white flowers in summer. The flowers are 4 to 6 cm wide with a 3-5 cm long tube, and are followed by long, bean-like fruit pods. All parts of the plant contain a poisonous, milky sap that may cause skin and eye irritations when touched. Evergreen in warm climates, but behaves as a deciduous plant in colder climates.

Synonym: Mandevilla suaveolens.

Grows best in a position that doesn't get too hot in summer, with well draining soil where it receives morning sun and afternoon shade. Not suitable for heavy clay. The roots don't like being disturbed, so avoid digging nearby. Can be cut back hard. Tolerates light to moderate frost (zones 9-11).

Intensely fragrant flowers, especially in the evenings. May climb into adjacent trees by winding its stems around the branches, but is quite easy to keep under control. Lovely climber for archways, pergolas and fences. 


Rosa 'Alberic Barbier'

Very vigorous, rambling rose with dark green, glossy foliage. Flowers profusely for about two months during the main flush starting in spring with apricot-yellow flowerbuds opening to creamy white flowers with a hint of yellow, fading to white. Some flowers throughout the rest of the season, possibly with a second, smaller flush. Mild apple fragrance.

Registered as Rosa 'Albéric Barbier'. Bred by Barbier Frères & Compagnie in 1900 (France) from a cross between Rosa luciae (Rosa wichurana) and Rosa 'Shirley Hibberd'. 

Suitable for a sunny position in any well-draining soil with a generous amount of organice matter. Partial sun is best in areas with a hot climate. Shade tolerant. Fertilise in early spring and again in early summer. Prune after flowering. Suitable for coastal gardens. Good disease resistance.

Make sure you have enough space for this one! Rosa 'Albéric Barbier' really goes for it, and is the perfect climber to cover fences, buildings, and arbors.


Rosa 'Golden Future'

Repeat-flowering climbing rose with glossy dark green foliage and large, mildly fragrant, yellow flowers in clusters. Flowers are about 11 cm wide and have 26-40 petals. Vigorous, reliable and free-flowering.

Registration name: Rosa 'HORanymoll', bred by Colin Horner (UK).

Prefers a position in full sun. Happy in any well-draining soil with a generous amount of organic matter. Dead-head during the flowering season and prune in winter. Excellent disease resistance.

Delightful rose, ideal for climbing against walls, fences, posts, pergolas and arches.


Rosa 'Sally Holmes'

Vigorous, repeat flowering hybrid musk rose with relatively few thorns, glossy dark green foliage and large, single to almost single flowers in clusters. Pale apricot-coloured buds open to 8-12 cm wide, creamy white flowers, fading to white, flushed with a faint hint of pink. The flowers have 4 to 8 petals and yellow stamens. They are usually packed in very tight clusters.

Rosa 'Sally Holmes' is the result of a cross between Rosa 'Ivory Fashion' and Rosa 'Ballerina'. Bred by Robert Holmes (UK) and named after his wife.  

Prefers a sunny position in well-drained soil with a generous amount of organic matter. Tolerates more shade than most other roses. Very good disease resistance. Fertilise in early spring and again in early summer. Dead-head during the flowering season and prune in winter. Grows on its own root system and is easy to propagate from cuttings.

The delicate colour combination of the pale apricot flower buds and white flowers is breath-taking and more than makes up for the fact that the flowers are only slightly fragrant. The flowers have a lovely 'loose' texture. Can be treated as a climber and trained to grow up a pillar or against a trellis. Suitable for cutting. Looks good on its own, in groups, or as a rose hedge-row.


Rosa 'Veilchenblau'

Vigorous, thorn-less (or nearly so), rambling rose with glossy, mid-green foliage. Once-flowering for about three to four weeks in spring with large clusters of relatively small purple-violet flowers with white stripes and blotches, a white center, and yellow stamens. The flower colour fades with age, in particular in hot, sunny conditions. The flowers are followed by small (0.5-1 cm long) brownish red hips.

Bred in Germany by Hermann Kiese, and introduced in 1909 by Johann Christoph Schmidt. Also known as Rosa 'Bleu-Violet', R. 'Blue Rambler', R. 'Blue Rosalie', and R. 'Violet Blue'.

Tolerates quite a bit of shade,  heat, and poor soils. Prefers a position in well-draining soil where it is protected from the hot midday sun. Susceptible to mildew, so best grown in a position with sufficient air movement. Apply rose fertiliser in early spring. Prune in winter.

A rose for the larger garden! The colour is particularly attractive in a partially shaded position. I could not detect any scent, but according to some sources Rosa 'Veilchenblau' has an attractive fragrance.