Plant Guide

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Categories starting with W

Wet (8)

Items starting with W


Wachendorfia thyrsiflora

red root, blood root

Evergreen rhizomatous perennial, endemic to South Africa, flowering during spring with golden yellow flower spikes up to 2 m tall. Sword-shaped, pleated, mid-green leaves 0.2-1 m long and up to 7 cm wide. Bright red roots.

Prefers a sunny position and plenty of moisture. Ideally suited to swamps and wetlands, but adapts well to average garden conditions. During dry summers the leaves may die down unless watered regularly. Generally pest and disease free. Suitable for coastal gardens. Light frosts only (USDA zone 10), but in a sheltered spot the plant can survive an occasional moderate frost.

Wachendorfia thyrsiflora is the perfect choice for a watergarden or the edge of a pond, but also looks magnificent as a backdrop for herbaceous or mixed borders. 


Weigela 'Newport Red'

Vigorous, deciduous shrub of hybrid origin, also known as Weigela 'Vanicek'. Parent species are native to eastern Asia. Deep crimson red, tubular flowers in spring. Mid-green, oval to elliptic leaves with toothed margins, arranged in opposite pairs.

Prefers a sheltered spot in full sun or partial shade and any, well-draining soil. Weigela flowers on previous year's growth, so prune straight after flowering down to a side-shoot. Relatively shallow-rooting. Likes ample moisture and nutrients. Frost-hardy (zones 5-10), but heavy spring frosts may cause some damage.

Weigela 'Newport Red' is easy to grow, and puts on a gorgeous show in spring. Give it sufficient space to show off the spreading, somewhat arching branches. Remember to prune Weigela in time, so that you don't remove the stems that will flower next spring.