Slender, evergreen tree, native to the rainforests of Australia (Queensland and New South Wales) and New Guinea. Belongs to the Pittosporaceae, the same family as Pittosporum. Fast growing once established. Relatively open and narrow canopy with a distinct horizontal branch pattern. Oblong to lanceolate, glossy green leaves with hairy undersides, 10 cm long by 4 cm wide. Very fragrant, 3-5 cm wide flowers, produced in clusters during spring or early summer. They are creamy white initially and turn yellow with age, sometimes with a reddish center, eventually followed by long pear-shaped seed capsules. Flowers resemble those of Plumeria, the frangipani tree, in size, shape and fragrance, hence the common name. Attracts birds and bees.
Prefers a sheltered position in any well-draining, alkaline to neutral soil. Flowers best in full sun, but can be grown in partial shade. Tolerates considerable drought and moderate frosts once established. Protect young plants from frosts. Suitable for coastal gardens, but since the branches are quite brittle, the tree needs protection from strong winds.
Beautiful tree, smothered in sweetly scented flowers in spring or early summer. Thanks to its narrow growth habit, Hymenosporum flavum is suitable for smaller gardens. With a relatively sparsely branched canopy, it forms an attractive silhouette against a tall wall. Pruning encourages the development of a more compact crown.